Friday, November 30, 2012

Carol Service Collects: Annunciation (Redub)

Loving God we ask that you would
pour messages of your love into our lives.
We know everything changed
when the angel brought news to Mary
that she would become God-bearer,
and carry your son Jesus in her womb.
Change us too.
We know how costly it was for Mary,
in her mothering, even seeing Jesus suffer and die.
We realize we may walk a hard way too,
but keep us hopeful of life that bursts from the grave,
through Jesus Christ our rescuer.

The Gunning Fog readability index suggests 7.74 years of formal education is required to understand this prayer on a first reading, the Common Worship prayer requires 30.47 years.

This is a redub of the Collect for 'The Annunciation of Our Lord' (25 March).
It may be suitable for use after the relevant reading/s at a Carol Service.

Carol Service Collection

Index of Prayers

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